Thursday, December 27, 2007

A little update...

I know everyone is waiting patiently so I thought I would give a little update. I went to see my midwife this morning. I am currently almost a week late...and am very ready. Everything looks really good-the baby is doing great. He is still measuring 37 weeks about 8.5 pounds (this is by touch not ultrasound). I am still 3 cm dilated, and he is in the perfect position for birth. So what does all this mean? Absolutely nothing! It could be anytime, any second or over a week. I had contractions all day yesterday picking up in the afternoon, but then they stopped around 7 pm. Tomorrow I have a Non-stress test which will be fine and Drew and I are going on a date tomorrow night...I am hoping we can cancel because we have a baby coming. Basically, if all the tests are okay my midwife will allow me to go 2 weeks over. I sit trying to be patient! Keep your fingers crossed for me that this will happen soon!


Traci K said...

Glad to hear the update! Sounds like you'll be having a baby here soon! Have fun on the date and try to think positive!:)

Brent and Dayla said...

Hi Megan! I think the little guy wants to be born on his brother's birthday...besides, that is the best day of the year to be born!!! So I am saying the 29th...and perhaps you will be like lots of other women here in Seattle, getting that tax deduction before the end of the year! Whenever he decides to arrive, I hope your labor goes quickly & he arrives here safely! Thinking of you & can't wait to hold him... Love, Dayla

Log home living said...

We're still with you all the way!..trying not to bug you and thinking about you pretty much all the time!
double hugz!

Randy and Amy said...

Yes, we're waiting, but I'm not sure about patiently!! I check up on you everyday hoping "this is the day". Keep smiling!

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

I keep checking back for the news - fun to see a new picture but it'll be more fun to see little hands holding little brother! Come ON little guy!