Monday, October 26, 2009


Thanks to Mom and Dad taking the kids for 2 nights we got away just the 2 of us. It's the first time in over two years since we went somewhere overnight by ourselves and we've never left Mack.

I dropped the kids off with Mom and Lachlan takes me aside and says "Two nights seems really long now Mommy". Lach tends to be the one who likes us around the most :). Mom said he got a little sad but did great. Mack and Cohen did too.

We had a really nice time. They upgraded us to a Penthouse one bedroom Lodge room for the same price. It was over 1,000 sq feet with a full kitchen and gorgeous view. We left on Wed afternoon, had dinner in Bellevue and then headed to the resort. What an awesome place! We biked around the resort where there are tons of paved trails and just lazed around. It was nice to have a chance to really talk and have fun!

It was good for us and good for the boys to have some time with Ma and Papa. Here are some pictures. Not too many because it is kind of boring to just take pictures of us :).

The view from our room

The Lodge

Fall stuff

We've been busy with the remodel of the bathroom (I'll post pictures soon). It should be done in 1-2 weeks and then we will move everything out of our bedroom for new carpet. It will be so nice to have our own bathroom. On a difficult day I think Drew will know where he can find me...with the door locked :). I'm super excited for the boys to have their own space too...sometimes "Mom, open up I gotta pee" gets old when I am trying to shower, do my hair etc.

5 little pumpkins

Lach had his first Reader's Theatre of the year. It was great. He did so well. He's really reading

Cohen is doing great at preschool...he absolutely loves it. I get the question "Mom, do I have school today" everyday. Makes me happy that he has no problem being away from me.

McKenon will be 22 months this week...almost 2! He's super most of the time. Last night, when I put him to bed I was in the kitchen making my weekly grocery list when I heard a thump then a cry. I went in and he had climbed out of his bed! Lach and Cohen never did this so this is new for me. He was sobbing and I hugged him and told him he couldn't climb out of his bed anymore. I don't think he will until he learns he can put his feet on the bottom of the crib...or maybe he just won't try again. Have I ever mentioned he still tastes everything...he's by far my most oral child (see picture below). This last week it was MORTAR from the remodel! I didn't know that he could get to it in the garage...but yep he ate some. I was freaking out because obviously it's not good to eat. Cohen happened to be in the garage with him when it happened so he promptly told me but still I wasn't sure how much he got. He was fine though. Then it was sand from the boys' sandbox in their room...he came out with a blue least I know that is nontoxic. I can't figure out why he eats everything he comes in contact with but I keep hoping he will outgrow it (SOON PLEASE)! Otherwise, he's doing great.
Morning smoothie!

So far we haven't got the H1N1 flu but it is sure going around the schools and Drew's work. Yuck...I for sure don't want this stuff and worry about Drew getting it with his heart condition. I won't fret til there's something to fret about though.
The boys flying kites in the fall wind!

So everything is good...we even got away just the 2 of us. See the next post!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I LOVE THIS LITTLE FACE....and yes that is dirt he's been eating!
Mack at almost 22 months

Fall evening

The other night it was COLD when the sun went down but we built a fire and had hot apple cider. A great time was had. The boys always love building a fire with Daddy. Drew also did some tractor work on the property and I got some pictures of the sunset.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Observations of Cohen

Cohen, Mack and I went out for our walk today. He was riding his bike when he saw the next door neighbor's hen and her chicks. She has about 10 chicks (how does she do it?) and we saw them maybe a week ago and they were a lot smaller. Cohen says "Mom the last time we saw them they were babies and now they are just kids...they grow up quick" ....priceless.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kids say the darnest things

The boys crack me up. Right now it is Mack and his toddler talk. To be honest most of the time I find it very sweet, but sometimes VERY annoying! He is obsessed with the moon right now. He loves "Goodnight Moon" and "Guess How Much I Love You" and many other books with moons in them. This last month he has discovered the moon in the sky which is so cute, but also annoying. Annoying because when he says "moon" it comes out "moo". So we are going down the road and he sees the moon (the moons been full too so we've been able to see it all day) "Moo Moo" he says. And if he can't see it for a few minutes he freaks a little. Then comes "Moo Moo" again and alls well...until he can't see it again...over and over. You get the picture. Then today at lunch he's eating and says "Moo Moo"-I'm thinking is he saying "moon" or "more"? So I say "moon Mack". He says "no, Moo Moo" okay it's "more" but now he's heard "moon" and he won't stop with "moo moo" while he is eating more grapes! Also he is on a person kick. He wants "Da Da" when daddy is not here and now that my parents are in Maui he wants "Ma and Bapa" (Ma and Papa) and he is not happy to hear Daddy is at work and Ma and Papa are gone.

Cohen is on a egg salad sandwich kick. Can't get enough of them. So he's been getting a lot of protein lately. I just smile and make more eggs.

Lachlan lost another tooth...he was excited the tooth fairy visited even though he hid his tooth-I think it probably took the fairy an hour to find it :).

All in a days work. Can you tell I love being a Mommy?