Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kids say the darnest things

The boys crack me up. Right now it is Mack and his toddler talk. To be honest most of the time I find it very sweet, but sometimes VERY annoying! He is obsessed with the moon right now. He loves "Goodnight Moon" and "Guess How Much I Love You" and many other books with moons in them. This last month he has discovered the moon in the sky which is so cute, but also annoying. Annoying because when he says "moon" it comes out "moo". So we are going down the road and he sees the moon (the moons been full too so we've been able to see it all day) "Moo Moo" he says. And if he can't see it for a few minutes he freaks a little. Then comes "Moo Moo" again and alls well...until he can't see it again...over and over. You get the picture. Then today at lunch he's eating and says "Moo Moo"-I'm thinking is he saying "moon" or "more"? So I say "moon Mack". He says "no, Moo Moo" okay it's "more" but now he's heard "moon" and he won't stop with "moo moo" while he is eating more grapes! Also he is on a person kick. He wants "Da Da" when daddy is not here and now that my parents are in Maui he wants "Ma and Bapa" (Ma and Papa) and he is not happy to hear Daddy is at work and Ma and Papa are gone.

Cohen is on a egg salad sandwich kick. Can't get enough of them. So he's been getting a lot of protein lately. I just smile and make more eggs.

Lachlan lost another tooth...he was excited the tooth fairy visited even though he hid his tooth-I think it probably took the fairy an hour to find it :).

All in a days work. Can you tell I love being a Mommy?

1 comment:

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...


I can tell you love being a mommy, yes. It shows in your wonderful care for them and the smiles on their faces!

Love, M~
