Monday, June 30, 2008

The many faces of McKenon-6 months today!

He's 6 months already...I can hardly believe it. Drew and I were just commenting on how very fast it has gone. I have so enjoyed this little bundle so far. He is so sweet and just rolls with it most of the time. He loves his Mommy very much because now he is getting a bit of stranger anxiety. He started food on Saturday and much to my surprise he had no problems swallowing. I've started the other boys a little earlier and there was a bit of a learning curve...not so with Mack he has it down-literally :). We go in to the doc in a week for his WWC so it will be interesting to find out his weight and height. Mack likes to put any and everything into his mouth. He greets me every morning with a big smile and "Hee" (which is of course "HI"). He is rolly polly and is oh so huggable and smells so good...can you tell I kind of like him?

This week is Drew's birthday week as well. His b-day is the 4th. We will head up to Orcas tomorrow for the rest of the week! Drew will come up on Wednesday I think. I'm hoping the weather is good. Drew's Grandma's b-day was yesterday and it was Lachlan's 1/2 birthday (he wants to celebrate his b-day in June now because he is a december baby) so yesterday we got together for a bbq and cake with the family. It was such a nice afternoon.

Drew, his grandma, Lachlan and Cohen
Happy birthday!

The faces Mack makes (pictures taken today):

Eating solids for the first time

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