Friday, October 3, 2008

Mackie is 9 months!

Our little doodle is now 9 months! He is growing like a weed, and now weighs 19lbs 11 oz and is almost 29 inches! He weighs more than both the other boys did at this age. He is still such a happy, smiley boy. He's eating like crazy too and just started eating meat this week...he is a little carnivore :). He is babbling quite a bit as well "bababababa..." and "mamamamamamamama". He is our only one who hasn't said "Da Da" first. The only thing that is really hard about him is that he puts EVERYTHING in his month. At least 1-5 times daily I am pulling paper out of the roof of his mouth, and he finds dead bugs and flies in the tiniest corners of the windows or doors...disgusting!

I think the thing that melts my heart the most about him is the interaction between him and Lachlan and Cohen. They just LOVE him! Even when he chews up their books they never make a big deal about it. They always want to do things for him and love it when he smiles and makes goofy faces at them. They don't just love him-Mack loves them to pieces too. It is so fun. I hope that they are forever best friends.

I took some pictures of McKenon and as you can see from his rash around his mouth he has 4 teeth just about through!
I go bananas for bananas!
So smily
I really like these touch and feel books


Naomi said...

9 months! So cool. He is such a cutie.

Heather said...

That is the most adorable picture of the boys on your header! Such handsome guys!

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

9 months already - Toriana's almost there! She is the exact same with requiring frequent mouth checks ... I'm resigned to her eating at least some paper every day but I try hard to avoid letting her chew through the diapers bag or other plastic things! I know now exactly why every kids' book I've ever seen has dog-eared pages and misshapen edges! Way to go on popping those teeth through,Mack! Toriana's got 4 but it appears that at least 2 more are on the way. =)