Monday, July 28, 2008

This and that...

Nothing much here. We are enjoying the summer. The weather has been cool but mostly nice. The boys and I try to do something every morning. We go for bike rides (they ride I push Mack), to the library, to the park, to the lake. It's been fun. We've been painting the house. The main part of the house is all done but we still have some trim work to do. I didn't realize house much work it is, but it does look really nice. I will post pictures of before and after when it is complete.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the past two weeks.
I love peaches!
Cohen taking our kitty for a stroller ride
At a potluck up at Gerald and Angela's. Mack and Laura

Our friends Trina and Ryan came to visit-this is their little girl Ainsley. She loves babies.
Cohen riding his bike
Mack in his little pool with Lachlan helping him learn to swim.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

So cute. Thanks for sharing. I love the photo on your blog header too.