Friday, July 11, 2008

Peach pie funnies

The other day I made peach pie. This doesn't happen very often and is very much a summer treat! Cohen who doesn't get much wheat exclaimed "Mommy this is excellent- delicious". As we were getting ready for meeting, after eating the peach pie, Lachlan said "The sugar has hit the system". It went on to be an interesting actually they were pretty good and we all loved the pie!

I can't resist adding a couple pictures of Mack:
The boys put these sunglasses on him
First swing ride!


Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

I'm finally getting a few minutes to blog hop and it's fun catching up - what a cutie that little Mack is!! He and Toriana are staying similar in size ... she's unofficially 17.5# and about 27" but she is decidedly NOT a roll with it kind of gal ... she seems to have been born with stranger anxiety. Your peach pie sounds yummy ... I love all of the summer fruit desserts!! =) See ya at M-T.

Alissa said...

You'll be thrilled to know that I've updated my only took me coming back to Ireland to get that accomplished!! = ) Olwyn has been keeping up with my lack of a blog since I left, and checks yours out on a frequent basis too. She says she feels like she knows your little family even though you've never met. = ) Keep watching for pic...I'm headed to Sacramento right after I get back from Ireland, and there just MIGHT be some fun pictures from there too. Hmmm...wonder if it involves a boy?? Yup! Grins! Take care!

Marla said...

Mack is one cool dude in those kind of looks like he knows it too! Love to see these boys :)