Sunday, April 13, 2008

How does your garden grow?

Days like yesterday make living in the Northwest worth it. It was warm and just beautiful...picture perfect. We got our garden started! Earlier in the week my sweet husband went and got some organic compost (manure)...high grade stuff from a farmer who raises organic beef. This is good stuff as far as cow pooh goes. It had been composting for over a year and hardly had any odor, much better than previous years when we smelled it for about a month! So yesterday we started putting in our garden. We have our lettuce, carrots, radishes, potatoes, and peas in so far. We left a big space this year for dahlias so I'm excited to have some flowers in the garden. We also extended the garden for more corn. The boys were so excited to get going on it, and it is very good for them to learn how to grow food...considering this is our veggies for the whole summer. This year I plan to can the beans which I have never done.

Drew did some wood cutting since we are still busy getting the acreage cleaned up. Our neighbor has been over with his excavator helping and it is looking so good.

I mowed our field which I always enjoy. My allergies were really bothering me though. It was so fun to watch the kids while I mowed. The wind wasn't blowing but Lachlan was bound and determined to get his kite in the air so he ran and ran with it and if he ran fast enough it would stay up...he ran about 3 miles and got a bee sting...but he slept very well last night!

I noticed Cohen was singing a lot yesterday. He loves to sing and make up songs. His most recent is so sweet I have to share "I love Jesus. He is my bestest friend. I love him so...." He told me this was a new hymn he loves. Too cute.

And McKenon? He did what he does, coo, chew his fingers, smile some more, sleep, smile, get the picture. What a great day-too bad today was 20 degrees cooler...oh well I think spring is coming?

Here are some pictures:
Potatoe planting
Check out the big rig in the background!
A little help from our kitty
McKenon loved the mower noise when he was in my tummy and loves it still!


Traci K said...

Horray for a garden! Sounds like a lot of fun! I planted flower seeds and they're coming up-yeah!!! Unfortunately, living in a subdivision, doesn't allow much space for a garden here. I do have some lemons, green peppers and peaches growing though in pots/ground.:) Looks like the boys enjoyed the day too!

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

I'm trying not to envy your garden! We have a healthy rhubarb crop and room for a few herbs and zucchini and that's about it. We do have quite a few dahlias tho' - love em! And luckily there's a farmers market nearby. =) Happy spring! (But not today...rain is good for veggie growth but not for Green Lake walks!)