Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow...and lots of it!

They said we might get snow but I did not believe them and I told the boys not to get excited. But yesterday we woke up to about 5 inches! School was closed and the boys and I were out in it by 8 a.m. The snow kept coming last night at 10 p.m. we had about 20" and it had stopped snowing! No school today and the boys have been out many times today playing on the wall of snow Drew build for them with the tractor. However, I am sick with the flu today so no fun for me-boohoo- especially when I was hoping to be playing right along with them. Oh well, the view is beautiful from here.

The table outside yesterday morning

The boys sledding

The table and view this morning!


Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

That is amazing! 20" is almost unheard of in this area! I bet the boys are having tons of fun! I'm sorry you are under the weather and not able to play in it, too! Every day, but especially on snow days, I am glad to be home with the kids rather than working elsewhere. After our car accident in the snow (we were hit while parked off the road), I am still too freaked out to drive in it.

Melisa said...

It's fun to run across your blog! I always enjoy sitting near you and your beautiful family at convention time! It's such a joy to watch your boys grow -- and handsome little corkers they are! Your snow day looks much more fun than ours! We only got about 2 inches, but the kids were home. Today they are at school under crystal clear blue skies! Feel better!

The Wade Family said...

wow!!! so cool :o). sorry to hear you were sick. hopefully, it was just you! we have been healthy for 2 weeks now...knock on wood!