Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hello April

Well, it's spring! It's one of my favorite seasons! Summer is around the corner, and to be honest I can't WAIT! I love summer because it means all my kiddos are out of school and all the hard work of the year has paid off...we get a break. Only 2 more months!
The last couple months have continued to be busy. Lachlan had his 2nd Market Day of the year. We made 70 bags of homemade carmel corn and he made $601 in Market Day money-after he paid his employees and spent a little! It's very neat to see him understanding business a lot more this year and wanting to "put more in the bank". Cohen is loving his preschool. They incubated eggs and on March 17th 5 little babies were hatched. Of course it was very exciting! Can you believe I sign him up for kindergarten this next week! He's so excited! Since he will be going to the same school as Lachlan he already knows his teacher and where his class will be!
Mack continues to "Wow" us with his toddler talk :). It's so cute. He knows how to say his brothers names and it is hilarious. "Yach" and "Yo" and he talks about them constantly. He's just talking up a storm! He loves to play and everything is "play, play, play" especially outside! He spends hours outside playing with the boys and sometimes just sitting on his John Deere "riding" with his keys in hand. Drew found him 3 old sets of keys and he is constantly asking for his "keys".

Drew and I have been working quite a bit on the outside landscaping in the back. It is coming right along. I will post some pictures when I finally take some! It's been 5 years since we've been in this house and finally all the landscaping is almost done! I can't wait to be done and finished with it! We rototilled a new garden spot and are leaving the other one mostly fallow this year. I've started putting carrots, lettuce, beets, cabbage and spinach in. I'm having a little problem with my neighbors domestic bunnies so I haven't quite figured out what to do. Drew has some ideas that involve a gun and I hope it doesn't come to that!

Here are a couple recent pictures:

Lachlan had a day off school and I took the boys skiing by myself...won't be doing that again soon...Cohen is Heavy!

A common sight...the boys jammin'

Spring Market Day

The boys strangling Drew in a hotel pool

A walk around Greenlake made me very thankful for Lake Padden...Greenlake is a busy place!

St. Patrick's Day

Mackie with a MESSY face

The boys and Auntie Leota making monkey bread...yum!


Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Great post - looking forward to summer around here too! Cute pics. It's neat to see Leota cooking with lots of kids/families - I'm sure your boys enjoyed that and also the results! Take care!

Amy B. said...


I can't believe I found you. I was thinking of you yesterday out of the clear blue and did a blog search for you. You have 3 boys - WOW :) Times do change don't they! My little girl is 3 next month - time flies. Drop me a line if you get a chance!
akt122 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Amy (Thompson) Brannan