Thursday, December 30, 2010

9 and 3

Lachlan is 9 as of yesterday and McKenon is 3! I can hardly believe it and time seems to be flying. Yesterday I told Lach that in 9 years he will be applying for college ready to leave the nest. He started crying and said "Mom, I will never leave you"! Oh how on some days I wish that were true, but we all know in 9 short years if we have prepared him right he will be ready and so will I (maybe). He's such a wonderful child and I cannot imagine my kids setting off on their own. Makes me want loads more kids-I will miss these special times with them. I love them to bits.

Mack spent his birthday morning in the ER after jumping off the ladder of the bunk beds last night. His foot is fine and he told me this morning "Mommy, I will never jump off that again I promise" but I just bet he will. It's actually rather amusing to see a 3 year-old crawling everywhere he wants to go. Boys are active and he is no exception. Oh, by the way the foot is fine just a bad sprain. Mack is potty trained as of about a month ago! He's so ready to start swimming lessons in two weeks! That is what really pushed him to finally train-he's so tired of watching his brothers swim! He keeps telling everyone "I'm potty trained and I get to go to swimming lessons".

Winter break has been hard because the kids were sick the entire time. They seem to be better and we are headed to Orcas for a few days! So excited and it looks like the weather will be cold but beautiful!

Wishing you all a very wonderful 2011!

McKenon is 3
Lachlan and all his buddies went to Planet Jupiter
Lachlan and Keegan his good friends since 1st grade

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to school

Both Lachlan and Cohen are in school now. They are so so happy to be there! Cohen is thrilled to be in kindergarten, and Lach is happy to be back with his friends and meeting new ones! Mack is enjoying a little time with just me but asks several times every morning where "Lach and Yo" are and when are we picking them up? We've enjoyed doing quite a bit of swinging and reading while the've been at school.

Next week I will start working in the classrooms. Cohen in the mornings and Lachlan in the afternoon once each week. I am really looking forward to this time. Mack will be spending one day a week with my Mom or sister which he always LOVES! In some ways it's nice to get back to schedules but I am already missing summer lazy days!

I think summer is over here. The weather has been rainy and very cool. Everyone seems excited for fall and winter but not me...give me summer over those two seasons any day!

Here are some pictures from the first days of school.
My big 3rd grader!
Lachlan's 3rd grade class
Ready for school!
At his desk...Mack wants to go to kindergarten too
Cohen lined up with his class

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tomorrow is September already!

School starts tomorrow. I was a little in denial until last nights school potluck and that got me excited about the year ahead. Lachlan's school program Visions is going to be doing some really fun things so it's something to look forward too. Cohen starts kindergarten in 1 week. He is so so excited! I'm looking forward to working in the kids' class one day a week.

We had a fantastic summer. The weather wasn't perfect but we ended up spending a ton of time at Orcas and 4 days at the river, a day at the waterslides, a day hiking and a couple days at the beach (other than Orcas). The boys had a blast, and I had so much fun spending time with them. We ended the summer at our annual church conventions which were unspeakably perfect. We actually took our trailer this year and camped up there which really made it special. Cohen cried and cried when it was time to leave. So many things were shared that made my "to do" list very long, but I am hoping for a great year until next convention!

In addition to tomorrow being the first day of school, tomorrow is also September. Cohen turns 6 at the end of the month! I think he will also loose his first tooth this month. A lot of firsts for him! I am hoping for a beautiful September before fall. I always love the vivid colors that start happening in September.

We have a new DOG! She's an 11-month old labradoodle and just a dolly. Georgia has been with us for just a few days but I can tell she's going to be a great part of our family! She LOVES the boys and they adore her. I found Lachlan and Mack in her kennel with her early this morning :). I also am training her to run with me and she's so smart and doing really well on the leach. We also got a couple kitties about 5 weeks ago. They are sweet and love the kids. We are hoping they will be very good mousers!

Here are some recent pictures: The boys at the beach
Our kitties Lucy and Sully

Hike up to Lake Ann

Madeline, Hannah, Lachlan, Landon & Cohen at waterfall on the hike to Lake Ann

Miss Georgia Rain and her boys :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


As of July 5th summer finally arrived here. I was getting really worried. We had a week of really high temps while on vacation on Orcas. What a treat. We had a wonderful 2 weeks away at our "home away from home". We mainly relaxed, hiked everyday, kayaked, boated and swam in the neighbors pool. We just loved not having any kind of a schedule. Drew got a week with us which was our first vacation this year.

The boys are doing so great this summer. I love that they go with the flow with just about anything. They love to go, go, go like their Mom and Dad and everyday I get "what are we doing today?". Lachlan starts sailing lessons on Orcas on Monday so we are headed back up tomorrow afternoon. He is very excited about it. He will learn everything he needs to know to sail his own vessel. I am hoping next summer he will take the next course. Cohen is doing great. He loved sleeping in the tent at Orcas. His grass allergies have been manageable and he's loving swimming, hiking and biking. Cohen is very excited for kindergarten! McKenon is growing like a weed and really looking like a 3-year-old! He's getting close to being potty trained. I'm not real great about being consistant with it or I think he would be all done with diapers. He is talking tons. He's got these words he learns and the way he uses them are just hilarious. One of my favorites is "Mom, turn around" most of the time I am facing him but what he is telling me is "look at this". Everything is "I know" right now :). He, of course, knows everything! "Sorry" is also one of his favorites even though I know he meant to do something naughty. He's a crack up! He wants to do EVERYTHING the big boys do which is very interesting.

Here are some pictures from our recent time on Orcas:
On our way to Orcas!

Orcas 4th of July parade

Drew's 35th birthday on the 4th!

Beautiful sunset from the cabin


Matia Island

Captain Mack

Nicole & David came up for a night

Monday, May 17, 2010

Little critters

Last night we found out why we've had a hole in our firepit. We tried filling the hole with water, we've burned and still we have 4 new baby bunnies that are popping their heads out. They are so cute! 1/2 domestic (from the neighbors) and 1/2 wild!

Here are a couple pictures of the little critters.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 2010

Spring is such a busy time for us! Okay, we are always busy but spring seems the busiest! We are getting the garden ready and trying to get all the things in the yard done so we can enjoy summer. Oh, we are also finishing up the school year which means lots of extra activities.

This picture cracks me up of Mack...he doesn't know why he's hunting eggs but he found one and is very excited about it!

Lachlan's class went on a beach walk last week. It was a blast! The volunteers from WSU were so awesome. I've decided it would be something I would really enjoy when the kids are gone in 16-20 years :)....can someone remind me because I have a feeling my brain will be gone by then! Anyway, off track there, the beach walk was great. Next week we go see the tall ships and a play. The following week it's off to the Aquarium in Seattle. Then there are just a couple more before the year ends! We are all excited for summer!

Lach's class on the beach walk

VISIONS big yearly benefit auction is this wkend and I will be very happy when that is finished for another year! It's been a lot of work but I think it will be really great!
The weather around here has been anything but spring-like. It's been very cool and just when the sun comes out I think "okay, I might be able to get some of that Vitamin D stuff" I go outside and it is just too cold...then I get grumpy. I would like some warm sunshine!

In spite of the weather we've been finishing up the landscaping! I've been waiting 5 years to get it done and now it is so close! All the hard work is finished and I am buying and placing plants. I want it to look just right so it takes time! I can't have anything too tall because it would block our view. So, it's almost there! I think I have most of the main plants in and will fill in here and there through the years.

Rocks are in!

Everything done but the plants!
Spring color in the front of the house

We took our new (old) trailer out for the first time last wkend. What a ball. We went to Deception Pass State Park for just one night. The boys were beyond giddy! Mack was so excited too even though he didn't know why. He just kept saying "trailer" The night went well and we are excited to use it again next week at Fort Ebey. Cross your fingers for good weather!

Deception Pass State Park

Beautiful light!

The garden is growing as it should despite the weather. We are eating spinach out of it and lettuce will be ready in a few days. I'm anxious to get everything planted but it's too soon yet. Another 1-3 weeks if the weather warms up.

Another veggie garden (we now have 2)

Another funny one of Mack

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hello April

Well, it's spring! It's one of my favorite seasons! Summer is around the corner, and to be honest I can't WAIT! I love summer because it means all my kiddos are out of school and all the hard work of the year has paid off...we get a break. Only 2 more months!
The last couple months have continued to be busy. Lachlan had his 2nd Market Day of the year. We made 70 bags of homemade carmel corn and he made $601 in Market Day money-after he paid his employees and spent a little! It's very neat to see him understanding business a lot more this year and wanting to "put more in the bank". Cohen is loving his preschool. They incubated eggs and on March 17th 5 little babies were hatched. Of course it was very exciting! Can you believe I sign him up for kindergarten this next week! He's so excited! Since he will be going to the same school as Lachlan he already knows his teacher and where his class will be!
Mack continues to "Wow" us with his toddler talk :). It's so cute. He knows how to say his brothers names and it is hilarious. "Yach" and "Yo" and he talks about them constantly. He's just talking up a storm! He loves to play and everything is "play, play, play" especially outside! He spends hours outside playing with the boys and sometimes just sitting on his John Deere "riding" with his keys in hand. Drew found him 3 old sets of keys and he is constantly asking for his "keys".

Drew and I have been working quite a bit on the outside landscaping in the back. It is coming right along. I will post some pictures when I finally take some! It's been 5 years since we've been in this house and finally all the landscaping is almost done! I can't wait to be done and finished with it! We rototilled a new garden spot and are leaving the other one mostly fallow this year. I've started putting carrots, lettuce, beets, cabbage and spinach in. I'm having a little problem with my neighbors domestic bunnies so I haven't quite figured out what to do. Drew has some ideas that involve a gun and I hope it doesn't come to that!

Here are a couple recent pictures:

Lachlan had a day off school and I took the boys skiing by myself...won't be doing that again soon...Cohen is Heavy!

A common sight...the boys jammin'

Spring Market Day

The boys strangling Drew in a hotel pool

A walk around Greenlake made me very thankful for Lake Padden...Greenlake is a busy place!

St. Patrick's Day

Mackie with a MESSY face

The boys and Auntie Leota making monkey bread...yum!

Monday, February 8, 2010

2 year pictures

My friend Shannon of Sweetpea Memories Photography came over to capture Mack's 2 year milestone. She chased him all around the yard on a beautiful January day. At the end he was covered in mud from a puddle he found (see collage) but thankfully that was when we were all done. It was a really fun photoshoot. My little guy is growing up.

My favorite picture

Cohen getting in on the action

Working hard with the shovel

His hand is in his cute!

Again, check out the hand in his pocket

Off and running

Action shot!