Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Off to preschool

Cohen started his first day of preschool today! I can hardly believe it's his turn to leave Mommy for 2 mornings a week. He's definitely ready and had a wonderful time. He's getting so big, and is still so sweet and sensitive. Today, when I picked him up from school, he said "Mommy, I missed you SO much, but I had a weally fun time". He feels like such a big boy because he can be like Lachlan and go to school. Friday he will be 4 years old! We are going to have a party so I will post some more pictures soon!

The first of many days of school!


Naomi said...

Super cute. :) I can't believe how fast they're growing up.

Log home living said...

Awww...Coie, don't be growing up so fast! We aren't quite weady for this yet!
love you sweet boy!