The end of summer is here for us with Lachlan off to first grade today. I can hardly believe it! It went way too quick and there just wasn't enough sun or warm weather for us Vitamin D deprived! We went up to Orcas to close the summer with a wonderful 3-day weekend. David and Nicole joined us and we had a ball. The weather was mostly nice too! We strolled the Farmer's Market, hiked and ate a lot. If not for the fact that both Mack and I had colds it would have been perfect.
Nicole telling the boys a "once upon a time story" that Lach requested
Eating fresh oysters
Lachlan batting rocks
In addition to having a first grader our youngest son is now 8 months! I wish time would slow a little bit so I could enjoy this a bit more. He his crawling every where and just starting to pull himself up to standing. He's getting so big!
8 months!
Lachlan was a little apprehensive with starting school today. He's starting at a new school in a program called "Visions". I think it will be a great fit for him and very fun. I will work in the class about 2 hours a week-parent involvement is a must. The theme this year is "Space". They are going to build a rocket, go to the Boeing Museum of Flight and the Science Center and many other field trips related to space and flight. This will be wonderful for Lachlan since he always talks about being a pilot. I am hoping today when I pick him up he will have a lot of exciting news of his day, his new friends, his teacher etc. I think it will be an exciting year.
Lach at his desk
Horray for school! Looks like fun and a good way for you to get involved too! I've volunteered for a few things this year and that will help pass the time too. The day goes by quickly! Enjoy Mack as he'll be there soon too!:)
I can't believe summer's gone, either! You'll have to tell me more about "Visions"...sounds interesting! Have a great first week of school!
Yes, I want to hear more about the "Visions" program too... is it part of public 1st grade class? I am so clueless when it comes to school stuff these days. Thankfully my time isn't there yet...but I know it will be in a blink of an eye. I read recently that as mothers we should try to savor every "normal, ordinary day" because "there is no rewind button" for these years. take care!
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