To add a little more about the illness in our house, Lachlan came down with a cold early last week. It wasn't very bad just a stuffed up nose. Cohen got it Thursday and McKenon got it on Saturday. Well on Monday it got much worse for Lachlan. Yesterday, Cohen felt worse and had a fever. Lachlan's eye started getting red last night and today it was swollen shut (pink eye). Cohen has a sore ear this morning. So we are off to the doc here soon. When it rains it pours! I am just hoping Drew and I can avoid getting this! Nobody said this Mom stuff was easy!
I keep forgetting to add this funny that Cohen says. If I am nursing Mack and someone comes over or calls he says "My Mom is milking the baby"...cracks me up!
Talk about turning into a cow ... my midwife suggested a pump so Trev can do one feeding during the night and I can get more than 2 hrs of consecutive sleep occasionally ... I tried it today and felt like I needed a sign out front "Zosel Dairy Barn" ... good grief, what a contraption!
What a sweet little smile...don't you just love those? Sorry he's got the sniffles...hopefully the kids are one the mend soon. No fun to have them all down with it at the same time!:(
...and sometimes you say to yourself, "Let's see did I eat today, did I take a shower? hmmmm...can't remember!" Your needs come last esp when they are sick...winter bugs, arghh...
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