Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Still waiting...

For everyone who is wondering about the baby, he has not come. We have tried everything naturally so now we just sit and wait...again. I would be surprised if he comes before his due date which is Friday. He is getting very big now...the midwife thinks he is around 8 1/2 to 9 pounds. I have sort of resigned myself to him being late and just hope to have him by the new year. I am 3 cm dilated, but as you all know that doesn't mean anything. So...if you don't see me at social events it is because I just don't feel like getting out, but I will let everyone know ASAP when he comes. All for to go wallow! I would love any encouraging comments!


Randy and Amy said...

I'll sit in my new recliner with my fingers, toes, legs, and arms crossed that baby will come tonight and you can come show him off on Sunday! You'd be up for that, right?! Hang in there! Maybe you'll get a really special Christmas present.

Traci K said...

That is one stubborn boy! He's starting out right by wanting to stay in where it's warm and cozy! We'll hope that he's a little smaller than anticipated. One nurse guessed that one of ours would be 8-9 lbs. and he was 6 lb. 8 oz. so you see, they can be wrong! Maybe if you eat something spicy???!! We'll keep checking for his arrival!

Nesting Instincts said...

Just thinking about you!! Good luck having baby #3, and know that we are anxiously waiting to hear!! Love, Beth R

Alissa said...

I'm coming home on Baby's due date!! Maybe he'll make his appearance once I'm back in Skagit County... = ) Sending good thoughts your way! Lots of love to all of you, and Happy Holidays too!

Luv, Alissa

The Read family said...

Send birthing vibes your way - we hope all goes well and that you and baby are healthy! Can't wait to hear the news! love, cr

Brent and Dayla said...

Megan, I'm sending very encouraging thoughts to you & baby, like "You have two brothers that would love to play with you!" Isn't it funny how "we" assume the little baby will come on it's due date...even though I'm a labor & del nurse, my OB had to remind me that it is the ESTIMATED date baby was suppose to arrive. Marissa had other plans, too! Hopefully your brain will soon release oxytocin & he will arrive soon!! Best wishes! Love, Dayla

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Thinking of you and hoping baby comes on SOON - at least there's a full moon on Monday in case that helps!

Log home living said...

Ahhhh....he is a Boyd...he'll come when he's ready!! And speaking of Boyd boys, they don't come any more precious!! I love it when you bring Coie into my classroom for hugs and I love Lauchie running down the hall at Evergreen, arms outstretched yelling, "DONNA!"... not a common exclamation in school. It doesn't get better than that!!