Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friends visit from far away

My Japanese sister, Hiroyo, and her husband Hideto and their sons Kaito and Gohta (their oldest son Rintaro had to stay home and go to schoool) came to see our family this week. They were in Florida for a conference and traveled all the way to Washington just to see us! They only stayed for four days, but we had such a nice time catching up! We will miss them when they leave tomorrow. Thank you for the visit!
The boys playing with the gifts brought from Japan
Hideto enjoying the ham...very expensive to buy in Japan
Kaito loving the Western food
Cohen could not get enough of baby Gohta

Yoyo and Hideto
This baby was very popular
Hannah and Gohta


Traci K said...

Looks like you had a great time! I don't think you'll have any lack of babysitters when Lach and Cohen's little brother arrives!

yoyoishii said...

Hi,Megan! I finally figured out how to comment on this. Thanks for good time and yummy foods at the party. We all had a great time there! Kaito was enjoying pics and he seems already miss you all. I'll send you pictures soon. I especially like Gohta's face on the last picture! Say hello to Drew and kids. Hope to see you soon!

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Hi- now that I have an account, I can tell you I've drifted by numerous times since talking to you at Milltown! Way to go on the low carb prego diet - I guess you have good motivation given your previous baby weights! I switched to a midwife and also read the book you recommended ... and things are going well. =) Happy turkey day (is pumpkin pie low carb?!) Jill