I took the boys up to Orcas on Monday. Kaaran, Mom and Kaar's 3 kids also came. We had a nice time. We hiked every day which everyone really enjoyed. Cohen's allergies started acting up right away and I was up every night so that was a little hard. On the day before we came home he had a real allergic reaction to grass, and yesterday as we were coming home he started wheezing and having trouble breathing. I was lucky to have Kaaran there (she is a nurse), and she assured me he was okay but definitely needed to be checked out. So as soon as we got off the ferry I took him to a walk-in clinic in Anacortes. He was treated for asthma, although they said they don't know if it is asthma or just a severe allergic reaction. So now we have a nebulizer, which we have only had to use once since the treatment at the clinic, and he is taking a daily allergy pill. It was a little hard on the nerves but today he seems fine.
I went to see my midwife today. I am 14 weeks and the baby is doing well. I made my appointment for my high density ultrasound for the end of July. We went with the high density because we would like to really get a good look at the baby's heart because of Drew's history. I haven't gained a pound yet but expect to in the next few weeks as I am very hungry (but nothing sounds good) all the time. I have felt a little movement but nothing certain. With Cohen I felt him really early and Drew was feeling him kick at this time in my pregnancy with him so I am hopeful that because I am not feeling this baby so soon maybe he/she isn't as big! I've started charting my eating habits for my midwife, and we will come up with a diet around 20 weeks to help keep this baby a little smaller-9lbs or under is our hope. It still seems unreal that we will have a new baby in about 6 months!
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