Mack spent his birthday morning in the ER after jumping off the ladder of the bunk beds last night. His foot is fine and he told me this morning "Mommy, I will never jump off that again I promise" but I just bet he will. It's actually rather amusing to see a 3 year-old crawling everywhere he wants to go. Boys are active and he is no exception. Oh, by the way the foot is fine just a bad sprain. Mack is potty trained as of about a month ago! He's so ready to start swimming lessons in two weeks! That is what really pushed him to finally train-he's so tired of watching his brothers swim! He keeps telling everyone "I'm potty trained and I get to go to swimming lessons".
Winter break has been hard because the kids were sick the entire time. They seem to be better and we are headed to Orcas for a few days! So excited and it looks like the weather will be cold but beautiful!
Wishing you all a very wonderful 2011!