The boys are doing so great this summer. I love that they go with the flow with just about anything. They love to go, go, go like their Mom and Dad and everyday I get "what are we doing today?". Lachlan starts sailing lessons on Orcas on Monday so we are headed back up tomorrow afternoon. He is very excited about it. He will learn everything he needs to know to sail his own vessel. I am hoping next summer he will take the next course. Cohen is doing great. He loved sleeping in the tent at Orcas. His grass allergies have been manageable and he's loving swimming, hiking and biking. Cohen is very excited for kindergarten! McKenon is growing like a weed and really looking like a 3-year-old! He's getting close to being potty trained. I'm not real great about being consistant with it or I think he would be all done with diapers. He is talking tons. He's got these words he learns and the way he uses them are just hilarious. One of my favorites is "Mom, turn around" most of the time I am facing him but what he is telling me is "look at this". Everything is "I know" right now :). He, of course, knows everything! "Sorry" is also one of his favorites even though I know he meant to do something naughty. He's a crack up! He wants to do EVERYTHING the big boys do which is very interesting.
Here are some pictures from our recent time on Orcas: