McKenon is 10 months! I can hardly believe our littlest guy is almost ready to walk. He is into everything! Everything still goes in his mouth too. The other morning we were in a hurry to get out the door I went to pick Mack up and guess what was in his mouth? A hairy caterpillar! Can you believe it? He was eating it! Drew and I were extremely grossed out and have no idea how the little critter made it in the house. Lachlan ate a slug and Cohen ate a worm so it really isn't too much of a surprise that Mack likes bugs too but still extremely gross!
He seems to be feeling much better after getting on a stronger antibiotic and he is sleeping finally! Yeah! He hates his medicine and I have to force it down his throat but it seems to be working, and he is back to his happy self. He also has two new teeth and two more about to break through. He is such a content little guy and we are enjoying him so much. Here are some pictures I took yesterday.