We got to come home tonight. Although there is no clear test for Kawasaki Disease they ended up doing a ton of tests and an echocardiogram. From these tests and the way Lachlan looked/acted they decided that it was NOT Kawasaki's. So after telling us his heart looked perfect (a wonderful thing to hear when Daddy has a heart condition) they decided to send us home. Also his temperature disappeared after he was admitted last night...wouldn't you know it. When we were being discharged they actually got a test back and were able to tell us it was Adenovirus...basically just a bad bug with no treatment and no lasting side effects. It was a relief to have an answer! Why the fever lasted as long as it did, we don't know, but we do know what it is and that he is okay. So...after a very long night and day we are home and quite honestly I cannot wait to sleep in my own bed...we are all exhausted. It made me very sympathetic to all those children and their families we saw at Children's who were much, much sicker than Lachlan. Children's Hospital is a wonderful facility and without it Drew would not be here! Thanks for all your thoughts! Next post: Mack is 5 months today...hopefully I will get to it this week!
Friday, May 30, 2008
We're home!
We got to come home tonight. Although there is no clear test for Kawasaki Disease they ended up doing a ton of tests and an echocardiogram. From these tests and the way Lachlan looked/acted they decided that it was NOT Kawasaki's. So after telling us his heart looked perfect (a wonderful thing to hear when Daddy has a heart condition) they decided to send us home. Also his temperature disappeared after he was admitted last night...wouldn't you know it. When we were being discharged they actually got a test back and were able to tell us it was Adenovirus...basically just a bad bug with no treatment and no lasting side effects. It was a relief to have an answer! Why the fever lasted as long as it did, we don't know, but we do know what it is and that he is okay. So...after a very long night and day we are home and quite honestly I cannot wait to sleep in my own bed...we are all exhausted. It made me very sympathetic to all those children and their families we saw at Children's who were much, much sicker than Lachlan. Children's Hospital is a wonderful facility and without it Drew would not be here! Thanks for all your thoughts! Next post: Mack is 5 months today...hopefully I will get to it this week!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Headed to Children's
Quick post to let everyone know we are headed to Children's Hospital for treatment for Kawasaki's Disease for Lachlan. Everything should be fine and I will keep you posted.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
We're still here...barely
Lach has had a high fever for almost 8 days now...it sort of went away on Saturday and Sunday then was back with a vengence on Monday morning. I took him to the doc yesterday. His symptoms are 102-103.5 temp, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes and "dry" cold. Yesterday they sent us for blood tests and a chest x-ray. Lachlan was so brave through it all-they also did a few more tests in the office. He has an elevated white count (non-specific) and everything is pointing toward a bad infection. However, they are worried about Kawasaki disease, and he has some of the symptoms of that. Tonight I took his temp and it is still high 102.5 so I think we are off to the clinic again tomorrow. From what the doctor said if the labs are inconclusive they will call Children's Hospital to see if we need to head down for further testing for Kawasaki's. They cannot treat it here-only at Children's. The worry with this particular disease is if left untreated it can cause coronary anerysms in the heart. There is no real test for it-basically just ruling everything else out. I am just exhausted with worry. I want him to wake tomorrow with no temp, being his bouncy, easy going self. Send a thought our way...
Monday, May 19, 2008
The sun shined!
Well, the last 3 days were just beautiful! Wow...such a treat! We enjoyed every moment of it too! Friday was the first day of sun which we spent here with my sis and her little guy, Landon. The boys played in the pool and just enjoyed the sun shining. It was Kaar's b-day so it was fun to just hang out. Saturday was so hot but we had a lot to do here and we took advantage of the good weather. I spent the whole morning on my parent's tractor getting one area ready to seed with grass. It is looking really good and I think we will seed tonight. I moved tons of rocks only to have more rock come up. Drew did some wood cutting-we have tons to cut up. We spent the rest of the day just working but it was really enjoyable with the weather being so nice...the boys played in the pool some more.
Sunday afternoon we went hiking. We went on a 4 mile hike up to Fragrance Lake in B'ham. It was a beautiful hike and we all enjoyed it. We then spent some time at Larrabee Park and then in B'ham and dinner out. What a wonderful way to end the weekend. It is cloudy now, but we have to keep in mind that it is this rain that makes this place so beautiful!
Here are some pictures:
My guys (see Mack's foot)
A little update on McKenon:
Our littlest guy is doing so great. He is such a wonderful baby. He is growing so quickly and changing weekly. He loves his jumperoo and will spend a long time jumping in it. He loves to flirt with everyone and tries to get attention by making a little coughing sound, and then you look over and he just grins. He also rolled over both ways this last week! I was having a really hard time moving him to his crib. We started putting him to bed in his crib about 6 weeks ago and I was really missing him next to me. We decided when he would wake up for his first feeding he would just stay in our room. Well, it just was not working. He would wake and then continue to wake us up about every hour after his long stretch. I was really tired but still not wanting to put him back in his room! I just wanted to savor this time. But last week after waking me up so much I decided he would just have to cry so I started putting him back in his bed after his feed. Well, turns out that is all he needed. He really started sleeping well...I think he was just having normal wakings, and I was tending to him so he would just continue to wake. He never even had to cry because he just woke in his bed and went right back to sleep. He is now going 8 hours straight then 2.5 to 3 more! However, it is a little bitter sweet for me. I miss snuggling him in bed-but I don't miss being awake. I am loving rocking him to sleep in the evening...that fully fed, limp, sleepy baby on my shoulder is just the absolute best feeling in the world...oh how I will miss having more babies! However, they do grow into busy, busy boys!
Here are the latest pictures of our littlest man:
4 1/2 months
I found my feet this week!
I love my jumperoo!
Sunday afternoon we went hiking. We went on a 4 mile hike up to Fragrance Lake in B'ham. It was a beautiful hike and we all enjoyed it. We then spent some time at Larrabee Park and then in B'ham and dinner out. What a wonderful way to end the weekend. It is cloudy now, but we have to keep in mind that it is this rain that makes this place so beautiful!
Here are some pictures:
A little update on McKenon:
Our littlest guy is doing so great. He is such a wonderful baby. He is growing so quickly and changing weekly. He loves his jumperoo and will spend a long time jumping in it. He loves to flirt with everyone and tries to get attention by making a little coughing sound, and then you look over and he just grins. He also rolled over both ways this last week! I was having a really hard time moving him to his crib. We started putting him to bed in his crib about 6 weeks ago and I was really missing him next to me. We decided when he would wake up for his first feeding he would just stay in our room. Well, it just was not working. He would wake and then continue to wake us up about every hour after his long stretch. I was really tired but still not wanting to put him back in his room! I just wanted to savor this time. But last week after waking me up so much I decided he would just have to cry so I started putting him back in his bed after his feed. Well, turns out that is all he needed. He really started sleeping well...I think he was just having normal wakings, and I was tending to him so he would just continue to wake. He never even had to cry because he just woke in his bed and went right back to sleep. He is now going 8 hours straight then 2.5 to 3 more! However, it is a little bitter sweet for me. I miss snuggling him in bed-but I don't miss being awake. I am loving rocking him to sleep in the evening...that fully fed, limp, sleepy baby on my shoulder is just the absolute best feeling in the world...oh how I will miss having more babies! However, they do grow into busy, busy boys!
Here are the latest pictures of our littlest man:
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
Some pictures from Orcas last week
Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies (sorry I am late on posting this). I hope you all had a wonderful day with your families.
My day was very special. The boys made me beautiful cards and I received some wonderful, unexpected gifts. Lachlan planted me some seeds (don't know what they are yet) and he got me a iPod (Daddy might have helped). From Cohen I got a beautiful card and a docking station/radio for my iPod and from McKenon I received an Itunes gift card! Boy was I spoiled. An iPod is the only thing I have wanted for a long time! Now I can go for walks with my favorite music.
We went to meeting yesterday and then we spent the afternoon at Drew's grandma. It was also his Mom's b-day so we had a really nice afternoon. We had kebobs on the grill and a bunch of other yummy things. When we came home we walked to my parents to visit (they are 1.5 miles away).
I had such a nice day...I love my kiddos so much, and my husband, who is so thoughtful and always thinking of creative fun things to do for me! Thanks for making my day special guys!
My card from Cohen
My card from Lach
Drew, his Mom & the boys
Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies (sorry I am late on posting this). I hope you all had a wonderful day with your families.
My day was very special. The boys made me beautiful cards and I received some wonderful, unexpected gifts. Lachlan planted me some seeds (don't know what they are yet) and he got me a iPod (Daddy might have helped). From Cohen I got a beautiful card and a docking station/radio for my iPod and from McKenon I received an Itunes gift card! Boy was I spoiled. An iPod is the only thing I have wanted for a long time! Now I can go for walks with my favorite music.
We went to meeting yesterday and then we spent the afternoon at Drew's grandma. It was also his Mom's b-day so we had a really nice afternoon. We had kebobs on the grill and a bunch of other yummy things. When we came home we walked to my parents to visit (they are 1.5 miles away).
I had such a nice day...I love my kiddos so much, and my husband, who is so thoughtful and always thinking of creative fun things to do for me! Thanks for making my day special guys!
Friday, May 2, 2008
4 Months!
Well, McKenon is officially 4 months old! Today we had his well-child check and his is doing great! He is a very big boy! Here are his stats:
Weight: 16 pounds 7 oz.
Height: 26 inches.
My big boy Cohen (he was 10lbs at birth) stats at 6 months:
Weight: 15 pounds 1 oz.
Height: 25 3/4 inches.
Lachlan's at 6 months:
Weight: 12 pounds 7 oz. (Mack is a full 4 pounds heavier)!
Height: 25 inches
So...he is doing so great! I just can't believe he is so big. He is in the 75th percentile for weight, height and head circ. He obviously has no trouble eating-at all. I wish he could be a little smaller so I could enjoy the baby stage a little more but that is just not to be. Oh well, I am still enjoying him immensely! He had his shots and did great too...now he is sleeping.
As you will notice in the pictures below he has bright blue eyes. All 3 of the Boyd boys have bright blue eyes. Why is this amazing you say? Well, Drew and I both have dull brown eyes! However, three of the boys' great grandfathers had blue eyes...very strong recessive (according to the doctor only a 1 in 4 chance of us having a blue eyed child). I was hoping for a brown eyed baby to shake things up a bit but nope...they are beautiful though.
Last but not least-Lachlan started riding his dirt bike this week. He got it when he was 5 but after running into a barbwire fence hadn't wanted to ride it. Everytime our neice Hannah comes over she rides it, and Lachlan decided he was ready. Well we haven't gotten him off it. I was going to take some pictures just now but it must have run out of gas because he isn't riding. He is very excited to do some things to help Mommy so he can earn some extra money to buy gas-we will help him but he has to contribute too (esp. with the price of gas-it requires premium!).
All for now! Hope everyone has a great weekend! We are headed to Orcas tonight...Yipee! We are hoping for good weather!
Taken this morning
Weight: 16 pounds 7 oz.
Height: 26 inches.
My big boy Cohen (he was 10lbs at birth) stats at 6 months:
Weight: 15 pounds 1 oz.
Height: 25 3/4 inches.
Lachlan's at 6 months:
Weight: 12 pounds 7 oz. (Mack is a full 4 pounds heavier)!
Height: 25 inches
So...he is doing so great! I just can't believe he is so big. He is in the 75th percentile for weight, height and head circ. He obviously has no trouble eating-at all. I wish he could be a little smaller so I could enjoy the baby stage a little more but that is just not to be. Oh well, I am still enjoying him immensely! He had his shots and did great too...now he is sleeping.
As you will notice in the pictures below he has bright blue eyes. All 3 of the Boyd boys have bright blue eyes. Why is this amazing you say? Well, Drew and I both have dull brown eyes! However, three of the boys' great grandfathers had blue eyes...very strong recessive (according to the doctor only a 1 in 4 chance of us having a blue eyed child). I was hoping for a brown eyed baby to shake things up a bit but nope...they are beautiful though.
Last but not least-Lachlan started riding his dirt bike this week. He got it when he was 5 but after running into a barbwire fence hadn't wanted to ride it. Everytime our neice Hannah comes over she rides it, and Lachlan decided he was ready. Well we haven't gotten him off it. I was going to take some pictures just now but it must have run out of gas because he isn't riding. He is very excited to do some things to help Mommy so he can earn some extra money to buy gas-we will help him but he has to contribute too (esp. with the price of gas-it requires premium!).
All for now! Hope everyone has a great weekend! We are headed to Orcas tonight...Yipee! We are hoping for good weather!
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