We had a good week last week. The weather wasn't so great but we made the most of it! Friday night we went to Anacortes and walked the 3 mile loop (the boys rode their bikes) at Washington Park and played at the park-it was a beautiful evening. Saturday turned out beautiful so we got a lot done. Drew and my Dad cut tons of wood, I washed all the windows inside and out and spread bark. The boys played from 7 am until 7 pm outside. We had a picnic table custom made for us...and I love it! I picked it up Saturday morning. We had a family bbq Saturday night which was really fun. We had a fire in the firepit too.
Some of the things I loved most about the week was watching the four deer that visit us daily (and eat the dandelions), watching the eagles soar right above our house, taking our daily walks and watching the two oldest boys play outside. Cohen loves to spot the daffodils everywhere "Mommy there is a daffodilla". Lachlan just started piano lessons and that is going well too.
Then there is Mackie (as the boys love to call him). He is growing like a weed or maybe a daffodilla. He will be 4 months this week! Why does it have to go so quickly? I am trying to enjoy every moment!