Mack is 1 today. I really am having a difficult time believing it. It just feels like this last year has flown by...maybe it is just having three to keep up with now with two in school...I don't know but I do know that I blinked and a year is gone!
Mack is such a joy. He is fairly easy going but can be demanding sometimes especially now that he is saying "Ma Ma" and pulling on my leg. But overall he is a happy, easy little guy that just flows. He is almost walking. It has been odd to me to try to figure out why he isn't walking yet. Lachlan walked at 10 months and Cohen at 9. Mack is standing and dancing, clapping in place but is just starting to take some little steps. I think it is because we aren't home as often for him to practice (he spends a lot of time in the car) and his brothers give him everything he needs! He has a wonderful little personality and loves attention! His newest tricks are clapping, he loves to dance, and he waves with this adorable little hand going from side to side (picture a little princess on a float-elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist, wrist). He also loves to play the piano and is so proud of himself when he makes music! He gives wonderful, sloppy kisses and says "Ma Ma", "DaDa", "Doggy", "please" and "ba ba" (we think this means one of his brothers), "nana" and other things we can't understand yet! He completes this family quite well and we just love him to pieces! Lachlan said the other day "Mom could we please have 10 more kids?"...he loves being a big brother! I will post some pictures after we have Mack's little party on Saturday.